All jobs carried out by NHSGGC staff covered by Agenda for Change (AFC) terms and conditions are graded using the NHS Job Evaluation Scheme. Job evaluation (JE) is key to running the Agenda for Change pay system and promotes equal pay for more than one million NHS staff. The NHS job evaluation scheme. The guidance contained in the job evaluation handbook works alongside Annex 24 of the Agenda for Change agreement. For more information on what profiles are. Under Agenda for Change jobs are evaluated using an agreed nationally implemented Job Matching and Evaluation scheme developed and maintained by the NHS Job. Frequently asked questions at Agenda for Change (AfC) meetings and training sessions concern job descriptions – whether they should be updated; whether they.
Agenda for Change (AfC) is the current National Health Service (NHS) grading and pay system for NHS staff, with the exception of doctors, dentists. Develop proposals for the implementation of All-Wales Job Descriptions for high priority, high volume roles to support fairness, equity, flexibility, and. The Job Evaluation (JE) Scheme was specifically developed for the NHS across the UK and determines the basic pay of staff covered by Agenda for Change. healthcare agenda, and represent the organisation in a timely and professional manner as and when required. Integrated Urgent Care / NHS Post title. job profiles, or allows trusts to evaluate jobs locally, to determine in which Agenda for Change pay band a post should sit. Agenda for Change (AFC) is. Please visit the intranet for the latest version. Purpose of Agreement. To inform managers when completing job descriptions and person specifications for staff. Under Agenda for Change an analytical job evaluation scheme was designed, by employers and trade unions in partnership, to reflect the complexities of health. Salary. Fully qualified nurses start on salaries of £28, rising to £34, on Band 5 of the NHS Agenda for Change pay rates. Salaries in. Now is an appropriate time to determine where we are in the Agenda for Change (AfC) process, how we got there and the next steps to ensure the best possible. A National Profile is made up of 16 Factors, a panel will score the job by looking for evidence in the Job Description, Person Specification and Effort Factor. Evaluation of Agenda for Change (AFC) posts, creation of generic job descriptions or banding review of existing posts subject to significant change · GENERAL.
The Job Evaluation Handbook sets out protocols in relation to the process of matching jobs against National Job Profiles and in relation to local job. The NHS job evaluation (NHS JE) scheme is used to determine the pay bands for all posts on Agenda for Change (AFC) contracts. It was introduced in and. An NHS Scotland Agenda for Change (AfC) job description template and guidance notes on completion is available here. Having up-to-date, agreed job descriptions. NATIONAL PROFILES FOR DIAGNOSTIC &. THERAPEUTIC RADIOGRAPHY. CONTENTS. Profile Title. AfC Three radiography profiles: o Current Job Titles: Senior. These job descriptions have been developed to be used across NHS Wales. All Job Evaluation results are the responsibly of the employing organisation and. This is a continuing requirement and all posts potentially covered by Agenda for Change conditions will be matched to national profiles or evaluated using the. Discuss and plan modifications to existing job profiles, ensuring they align with the company's evolving needs; Update job responsibilities, qualifications, and. Ensuring equal pay for work of equal value was one of the primary reasons for the introduction of Agenda for Change, and this is delivered by effective use of. Under Agenda for Change, this process is undertaken by 'matching' posts to job profiles, based on information from job descriptions, person specifications.
Job banding, re-banding, job evaluation, new jobs Agenda for Change' (A4C) is the pay system for A number of National Job Profiles have been established in. Job Evaluation is a key part of the Agenda for Change pay system that that enables jobs to be matched to national job profiles, or allows trusts to evaluate. It's a reflection on the fact the nursing job has changed since the original job descriptions for band 5s were made. Upvote 1. Downvote Reply. In the process of moving to Agenda for Change all posts are matched against existing job profiles or evaluated. Jobs are scored against job evaluation factors. Under Agenda for Change, this process is undertaken by 'matching' posts to job profiles, based on information from job descriptions, person specifications.
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